Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Chapter 2.12 I'm Baaaack

Melly: Well look who decided to come back.

At least I came back.
Hey there guys! So since the last chapter, my game crashed. So I lost the house, rebuilt a new one and left the Woodly save alone until yesterday. I've also since changed most of my CC so Watermelon has had a makeover, and Lobster and Ruby have new hair. But they are back!
Quick house overview. It's okay but I liked the other one.
Justin & Mira: *Are in love*
Mars: I wish I could travel the world.

Right off the bat we have smooches.
Melly: Wow, I love me :)

I love you too. Justin, be a man and take care of that grossness.
I don't even know what to say, Mars always looked depressed when he does his homework. Just cause you're not heir material doesn't mean I don't like you!
Mars: That doesn't make me feel any better :c
Lobster: I totally don't have homework I should be doing. Hehe, hide me Patches.
Ruby: *is there*

Lobster you have potential, get on to your homework.
Melly: Doot doot science.

Ah back to the good old days.
You don't understand how often I have to cancel their autonomous woohoo/try for baby options. Just chill out guys, you have six kids. Like really.
Such a pretty living room view. I haven't played in Sunset Valley in so long so I decided to bring them here for the next gen or two. I mean, I've moved them like 5 times and the heir hasn't even been chosen. Oops.
 Miss Mira working away diligintly. Wait, is she wearing heels? What happened to her boots?
This must be fixed!
 Okay, all better.
 Francisco is still kickin'. I'm going to be very sad when this snake dies.
 Mars: Kill me now.
Oh come on, it just your entire family in one room making noise.
Mars: This is your fault. I NEED MY OWN SPACE.
Listen up bucko, your family is pretty broke so get a job if you want nice things.
 The ladies do all the things.
 Justin just kinda sits on the couch waiting for a toddler to need assistance. Eh, he's here for his genes and to make money from his job.
Justin: What? D:
 Alright I guess the boys are skilling. Oh that's right, it's up to Justin to get the heir portraits for Mira and Watermelon the next heir.
 Ahem, speaking of; someone is off to meet boys.
Melly: You know, my twin brother is looking for a girlfriend/wife. You have a nice face.
Taxi Lady: Those damn legacy families always come here with their weirdo kids.
Hehe, sorry.
 Melly: I'm on the hunt!
Melly: Eh, possibility.
This dude?
Melly: Gross no.
Melly: You tryna marry me to some old dude? Where the hotties at?
Just be patient, I don't control everything.
Well actually, I kinda do.
Melly: *Sigh* I'm going to die alone.
Sweetie, you been here for ten minutes and have judged 2 guys. Hang in there.
 Went to check on the family, doing nothing as usual.
Darn you toddler stage! *shakes fist*
 Creepy Dude Who I Think Has A Hot Son: Sup gurl.
Melly: Yeah no.
OOH. HIM. What about him!
 Melly: Hello good sir, let's get married.
Guy: All right.

Aaaand we end on that note! Yeah I am so sorry it's been so long. In fact I've had this chapter as a draft for maybe a month and then I forgot :/ Well it's up now and I hope you enjoy. There will be one more chapter and then the heir vote. And then the chaps will continue.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Chapter 2.11 New Surroundings. Again.

When we last left off our lovely family was moving to a new home!

And here it is. Sunset Valley!
Built from scratch by yours truly.
Now for a quick tour.
Living Room.
Kitchen & Dining Room
Upstairs Hallway.
Lobster, Mars, & Watermelon's Bedroom.
Ruby, Cardinal, & Raspberry''s Bedroom.
Master Bedroom & Bathroom.

Alright now on to the chapter.
 Melly finds her station quickly.
Lobster rolled a wish to learn the fishing skill.
I figured, 'eh whatever, there's an ocean in front of their house.'
Mars is off to the park to go girlfriend hunting.
Hey it's BeBe Hart. She's moderately pretty.
Back home Justin is on child-duty.
Of course all three are hungry/dirty at the same time -_-
Mars: My dad is the best!
BeBe: What about your little brother Lobster? He's cool.
Mars: You like him better than me?

Well would ya look at that, curfew time.
Melly: Sooooup.
Hm. Maybe I didn't place the dishwasher in a convenient place.
All better.
Where is Mars going? 
He just got home.

I then figured out that he was trying to get to his bed. 
Will was blocking the doorway.
Lovely sleepy children.
Everyone is asleep!
 Today is a certain two toddler's birthday!
Finally, only one toddler in the house.
 Breakfast Bros.
Melly: I think my tongue needs a bandaid, what do you think?

We end this short update with two crazy people in a bathroom. 
See ya later.